MLB goes Marpat

An image of a Phillies hat in Marpat was posted on our Facebook so I decided to see what else they’re offering. MLB is doing a full line of USMC Desert Marpat hats and accented jerseys. Check it out:

US Palm Defender Vest

Geared towards schoolteachers, I don’t personally see a problem with giving teachers and faculty vests as a means of being prepared BUT arming them would probably (hopefully) be the next step.

Blue Force Gear Wolf

Shot Show 2013 seemed like year of the Kryptek and Wolf. The Arc’teryx color is quickly gaining steam with the gear companies. Blue Force Gear and LBT have gone full production with making pouches in this pattern (or color).

I only wonder if this is just another “ranger green”, “foliage green”, “mas grey”, “alpha green” all over again. But who knows, backed by some big names it just may stick around.

Infidel Caps Operator Cap

A couple of months ago I was looking for a full Multicam cap. By full I mean with Multicam Velcro  not coyote brown. To my surprise nobody (not even Crye) made one. I figured I’d ask around and Tommy at Infidel Caps picked up the idea. So here it is (as far as I know) the first FULL Multicam cap.

Oh and it’s only $20. Made in USA.